SPF "DIEM" :: Beginning of public hearings on the Scope of works at Kruzenshtern block quarry 1
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Beginning of public hearings on the Scope of works at Kruzenshtern block quarry 1

In compliance with the Environmental impact assessment provision (State Committee for Environmental Protection order #372, 16.05.2000) ZAO “SPF “DIEM” now informs of the public hearings procedure opening for the Scope of works at Kruzenshtern block quarry #1.

The following Terms and Conditions determine the scope and the schedule of the environmental impact assessment, and also - the requirements for EIA materials composition and content.

The Client is OOO “Geologorazvedka”, the Chief design contractor – OOO “Krasnoyarskgazprom nefteproekt”, EIA development contractor – ZAO “SPF “DIEM”.

Please forward your comments and suggestions on EIA Terms and Conditions to ZAO “SPF “DIEM”. Address: 117485, Russia, Moscow, Butlerova St. 12, POB 45. Phone: (495) 333-01-95; fax: (495) 333-80-23, е-mail: office(at)diem.ru.

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