In compliance with the Environmental impact assessment provision (State Committee for Environmental Protection order #372, 16.05.2000) ZAO “SPF “DIEM” now informs of the public hearings procedure opening for pre-FEED materials of the “Investment feasibility study of regasification terminal construction in Kaliningrag region”.
The following Terms and Conditions determine the scope and the schedule of the environmental impact assessment, and also - the requirements for EIA materials composition and content.
The Client is OAO “Gazprom”, the Chief design contractor – OAO “Giprospetsgaz”, EIA development contractor – ZAO “SPF “DIEM”.
Please forward your comments and suggestions on EIA Terms and Conditions to ZAO “SPF “DIEM”. Address: 117485, Russia, Moscow, Butlerova St. 12, POB 45. Phone: (495) 333-01-95; fax: (495) 333-80-23, е-mail: