SPF "DIEM" :: DIEM innovative solutions in information technologies
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DIEM innovative solutions in information technologies


State Registration Certificate was issued for “DIEM” software “Computerized system of laboratory data processing” (register number # 2013613679, 12.04.2013).

Authors: Yarygin G., Ravikovitch V., Bayukin M., Koltypin S., Netcheukhin K., Moryakov D., Ponomaryev S., Ryvkin D., Shkolnik A.I., Fenin S.A.

Right holders: ZAO “SPF “DIEM”, OOO “SPF “DIEM”.

Software product “Computerized system of laboratory data processing” (CSLDP) is designed for complex automation of document workflow in accredited laboratories. It aims to computerize the whole technological chain of samples/measurements processing.

CSLDP provides options for input, storage, processing and access to measurements and express-analysis results, information on sampling at controlled sites (including chemical analytical laboratory analysis results). The system also includes modules for automatic filing and log keeping.

CSLDP software allows automating the laboratory data processing functions according to users’ roles and responsibilities.

Major advantages of CSLDP include:

  • increase of data processing rate,
  • centralized long-term data storage,
  • improvement of baseline data quality for environmental conditions control,
  • improvement of laboratory production performance due to automation of time consuming tasks (related to document workflow and reporting),

intralaboratory document control in compliance with requirements to accredited laboratories and requirements for laboratory information management systems (LIMS).




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