SPF "DIEM" :: «DIEM» innovative solutions in information technologies
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«DIEM» innovative solutions in information technologies

svid_registr_progr.pngState Registration Certificate was issued for “DIEM” software “Information analysis management systems for environmental protection” (register number # 2012660485, 02.10.2012).

Authors: Yarygin G., Ravikovitch V., Bayukin M., Koltypin S., Netcheukhin K., Moryakov D., Ponomaryev S., Ryvkin D., Pogoreliy A.

Information analysis management system for environmental protection is a complex IT solution for industrial enterprises environmental management computerizing. The system aims to reduce time input in collecting, processing and complex analysis of industrial environmental monitoring and control (IEM&C) results and environmental reporting.

The system modules are developed to solve the following tasks:

  • gathering data from IEM&C objects on the basis of unified reporting documents or through computerized measuring instruments; data routing and storage within an integrated databank;
  • complex data processing: integration of information on the basis of miltifactorial correspondence; data formatting and semantic conversion;
  • visualization of geographically distributed environmental data on the base of cartographical means,
  • computerized environmental reporting process (including charges for negative impact on the environment calculations for waste management, water use, air pollution),
  • computerized analysis of IEM&C results conformity to environmental standards, notifying if the requirements are not fulfilled and supplying information on parameters dynamics (in schemes  and diagrams).

Output of the management systems includes information summaries, data collections on selected parameters, and complete sets of environmental reports.




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