SPF "DIEM" :: Environmental costs calculation
(495) 333-7-444
Software > Environmental costs calculation

Environmental costs calculation


Software “Fees assessment” provides means for automation of environmental costs calculations (within municipal territories and the whole company), which include payments for negative impacts caused by pollutants emissions, pollutants discharge, waste disposal.

Software “Fees assessment” secures following calculations:

  • total payments
  • payments for pollutants emissions by fixed facilities,
  • payments for pollutants emissions by mobile facilities,
  • payments for pollutants discharge,
  • payments for waste disposal.


Achievements and awards

“National Environmental Awards” first prize in “EcoEfficiency” category for the project “Industrial Monitoring System for Russia – Turkey pipeline”, 2004
“National Environmental Awards” first prize in “EcoEfficiency” category for the project “Industrial Monitoring System for Russia – Turkey pipeline”, 2004
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