SPF "DIEM" :: Public consultations and public hearings
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Public consultations and public hearings


In compliance with Federal Law № 174-ФЗ from 23.11.1995 “Concerning environmental expert review” and other legal documents, public consultations’ materials must be submitted to environmental expert review as a part of project documentation set. 

ZAO “NPF “DIEM” performs:

  • public informing about planned activities via mass media, Internet and by sharing project materials according to legal requirements,
  • organizing of counseling offices for collecting comments and suggestions
  • consultations with representatives of indigenous peoples and environmental NGOs, 
  • organizing and holding public consultations, public hearings, round tables, seminars, opinion polls, etc. 


See our key projects >> 

Achievements and awards

“National Environmental Awards”, “EcoEfficiency” category
“National Environmental Awards”, “EcoEfficiency” category
© SPF "DIEM", 2024
Our address:84/32, Profsouznaya str, Moscow, Russia 
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