SPF "DIEM" :: Methodological solutions
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Research work and methodological issues > Methodological solutions

Methodological solutions


Specialists of ZAO SPF «DIEM» are developing the following types of documents in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety for organizations and their subsidiaries:

  • standards (organizational methodological standards; standards for processes; standards for definitions, measurement methods, analysis; standards for terminology and definitions), including standards for design and operation of environmental monitoring and control systems0;
  • recommendations containing materials, useful for standards appliance or documents containing provisions that should be practically tested prior to their including in standards;
  • instructions, containing rules, guidance and regulations, and establishing order and means for implementation of activities in field of environmental protection and environmental safety;
  • regulations and programs, determining  organizational procedures of enterprise environmental activities (including scheduling, basic stages, etc.);
  • other documents specified by existing environmental management system.


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Achievements and awards

OAO “Gazprom” awards prize
OAO “Gazprom” awards prize
© SPF "DIEM", 2024
Our address:84/32, Profsouznaya str, Moscow, Russia 
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