SPF "DIEM". Contacts
(495) 333-7-444

Contact info

Address: Moscow, Profsoyuznaya St., 84/32

Mailing address: 117485, Moscow, Butlerova St., 12, p/о В-485, P.O.B 45

Phones: +7 (495) 333-7-444, 333-8-223, 333-0-195

Fax: +7 (495) 333-8023

E-mail: office(at)diem.ru


SPF “DIEM” Head Office is located close to Kaluzhskaya metro station in the building of Russian Academy of Science Space Research Institutе , entrance 6

See on map

To enter the building please have your ID with you.


For any additional information about the company, please contact us via:


Achievements and awards

“National Environmental Awards” first prize in “EcoEfficiency” category for the project “Industrial Monitoring System for Russia – Turkey pipeline”, 2004
“National Environmental Awards” first prize in “EcoEfficiency” category for the project “Industrial Monitoring System for Russia – Turkey pipeline”, 2004
© SPF "DIEM", 2025
Our address:84/32, Profsouznaya str, Moscow, Russia 
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