Certificate of competency for development of project documentation, which can affect the safety of construction facilities
Certificate of competency for implementation of engineering survey, which can affect the safety of construction facilities
License of Federal Technical Regulation and Metrology Agency for producing and maintenance of measuring equipment
License of Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring for implementation of works in field of hydrometeorology and related fields
License of Federal Environmental Industrial and Nuclear Supervision service of Russia for underground survey implementation
Certificate of competency for organization of construction, reconstruction, capital repairs and start-up operations, which can affect the safety of construction facilities
License for implementation of works in field of land-surveying
License for implementation of works in field of mapmaking
Certificate of compliance to ISO 9001:2008
Accreditation certificate on environmental audit operation in compliance with ISO 14000, environmental legislation of Russian Federation
Accreditation certificate on nongovernmental project documentation expertise and engineering survey results
Certificate of compliance to Gazprom Standards 9001-2006
Certificate of quality management system compliance to ISO 9001:2008 requirements
Certificate of quality management system compliance to ISO 9001:2008 requirements