SPF "DIEM" :: Stockman gas condensate field
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Home > Projects > Stockman gas condensate field

Stockman gas condensate field

Barents Sea


  • Engineering Environmental Survey and social aspects analysis for construction of liquid gas production plant
  • Study of Indigenous peoples legal rights and other legal issues related to project implementation.
  • Expertise and Consulting services during project documentation review
  • Development of project documentation for landfill facilities - part of onshore facilities infrastructure of “Integrated development of Stockman GCF. Phases 2,3 “ project
  • EIA sections (including “Mitigation measures”) for “Substantiations of investment of integrated development of Stockman GCF”
  • Expert support during State Environmental Expert Review procedure
  • EIA development for “Marine port in Teriberskaya guba” as a part of “Integrated development of Stockman GCF. Phases 2,3 “ project documentation
  • Organizing and holding of public consultations on EIA (Marine port in Teriberskaya guba project, Landfill facilities project).

Achievements and awards

OAO “Gazprom” awards prize
OAO “Gazprom” awards prize
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