SPF "DIEM" :: Publications
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Envitonmental protection in oil and gas complex # 5, 2014

Informatization of waste management in oil&gas industry regarding new legal regulations

This article continues a series of publications aimed at the scientific and methodological approaches to the development of information-analytical systems for the environment protection. New legal regulations in the field of waste management and executive authorities requirements to provide relevant reports electronically make the informatization of waste management processes in large scale oil and gas companies the vital task.

The paper presents appropriate and optimal, from the authors point of view, software and hardware solutions needed for a comprehensive information support of the environmental decision-making, and automation environmental recording and reporting in the field of waste management. (pdf, 500 kB, RUS)


Envitonmental protection in oil and gas complex # 3, 2014

Environmental aspects of "South Stream" gas pipeline project execution on the territory of Republic of Serbia     

Issues of environmental impact assessment (EIA) realization for the project of international gas pipeline “South Stream” construction in Serbia are treated. Methodological and practical solutions, dealing with environmental legislative and regulatory compliance practices in Serbia are discussed. Results of environmental impact assessment of the Project in transboundary context are presented.

In the context of EIA execution simultaneously with Concept design development, validity of results was gained due to use of EIA experience in analogue projects, compliance with international standards, conservative estimation approach (according to the worst scenarios), assessment results reconsidering after obtaining final design solutions.

Requirements and mitigation measures for the pipeline crossings with objects of Serbian ecological network were adapted for the Project solutions. (pdf, 482 kB, RUS)



Orenburgski gaz #13 (1509) March 21, 2013

Amount precision - twelve decimals

One of the Environmental Monitoring System creators – Vladimir Poluektov (Chief Engineer, DIEM) -answers our questions. (pdf, 174 kB, RUS)



Focus on safety

"Modern Oil and Gas industry being the basis of economic power of Russia is still one of the most complicated areas for securing the environmental protection. For the years of collaboration specialists of DIEM and institute “VNIPIgazdobycha” successfully implemented a big amount of projects in fields of environmental project documentation development and environmental safety securing for oil and gas enterprises. A number of projects were developed for the areas of high seismic activity including Siberia and the Key East of Russia. (pdf, 1,5 mB, RUS)

Industrial ecology #5, 2013

Yarygin G., Ravikovitch V., Lukyaniv O., Bayukin M.

Integrated support of environmental protection

"… The topicality of the goals is proved by DIEM participation in over 20 large scale projects of strategic importance for development of fuel and energy complex of Russian Federation."(pdf, 175кБ, RUS)

e_s_032013.png ENERGY STRATEGY # 3, 2013

Yarygin G., Ravikovitch V., Lukyaniv O., Bayukin M., Khvastina A., Fedorenko V.

Integrated environmental support of marine hydrocarbon fields development

"…Rapid growth of oil and gas complex, development of new gas production regions induce environmental risks and inevitably- the necessity of finding effective approaches to minimizing negative impacts on environment… (pdf, 1,4мB, RUS)


ECOlogy 2030 Jan-Feb 2013

Ecology of New Age

“Interaction of modern society and environment has reached the final line due to rapid industrial development in the whole world. Issue of environmental protection become each year become more challenging and important. The most efficient ways of solving and prevention of environmental problems in industrial scale are environmental design and consulting. An evidence for it is DIEM successful practice.” (pdf, 550кB, RUS)


Ecology of Production # 01, 2013

Poluektov V., Lukyanov O.,Bayukin M., Gerasimov I., Koltypin S.

Basics of computerized environmental monitoring systems development

“For over 15 years Science and Production firm DIEM is providing enterprises and different regions of RF with computer-aided tools for environmental pollution (air, water, soils) control. Due to the rapid development of raw material industries, anthropogenic pressures on environment are constantly increasing. Therefore automatic systems of environmental pollution control are in high demand in RF.” (pdf, 500кB)



Yarygin G., Ravikovitch V., Lukyaniv O., Bayukin M., Khvastina A.

Integrated environmental support of oil and gas companies

“The Company has participated in over 20 large scale projects of strategic importance for development of fuel and energy complex of Russian Federation. ZAO SPF DIEM has provided environmental consulting services during obtaining of initial permits and expert reviews (on regional and federal level) approvals for a number of projects of great strategic value. These projects include development of shelf hydrocarbon fields: Stockman gas condensate field (GCF), Kamennomysskoe and North-Kamennomysskoe GFs,West-Rakushechnoe OF, Kirinskoe GCF and others” (pdf, 500кB)


Business Russia  #12, 2012

Ecology of an object: challenging goals – excellent solutions

“Over 20 years of work in field of design and environmental consulting are under the belt of SPF DIEM. Geographical reach of company’s activities includes all the territory of Russia from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka and a number of European countries. The company several times received state prizez. One of the main company’s projects is construction by OOO “Gazprom Invest Zapad” of “Gryazovets – Vyborg” pipeline with CS “Portovaya”, feeding gas to Europe through “Nord Stream” pipeline."(pdf, 444кB)


Gas industry, Special issue “Underground gas storage”

Yarygin G., Lukyanov O., Gizattulin A. (ZAO SPF “DIEM”), Kuzmin Y. (Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences), Nikonov A. (Oil and Gas Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences), Tyurin A. (ZAO “SPC “PromNedraExpert”)

Justification and design of geodynamic polygon at Shatrovskoye underground storage facility (USF)

“ During USF exploitation, the risks of rocks and surface deformations, caused by natural and man induced geodynamic processes, are of current interest. The survey contains methods of analysis and demonstrates approaches to development of mining and geological substantiation and design of surveying system (geodynamic polygon) at Shatrovskoye USF”. (RUS pdf, 444кБ)


Ecology of Production # 12, 2012

Yarygin G., Ravikovitch V., Bayukin M., Netcheukhin K.

Systemic approach to development of software for environmental specialists

“… One of the upcoming trends, providing solutions for these issues is developing of modern information-analytical environment management systems…"(pdf, 625кB)(RUS pdf, 625кБ)


Gas filling complex + Alternative fuel № 8, 2012

Bayukin M., Netcheukhin K.

Methodological approaches to development of computerized information-analytical systems of environmental management for oil processing, storage and distribution facilities

The survey represents the results of systematic research of environmental management processes for geographically-distributed industrial facilities. Basic methodological approaches are studied; engineering solutions for building of vertically-integrated information systems of environmental support for oil processing, storage and distribution are presented. (RUS pdf, 2,8мБ)


Gas Industry # 11, 2012

Ishkov A., Yarygin G., Ravikovitch V., Bayukin M., Netcheukhin K.

Information-management systems for environmental protection in Oil & Gas industry

Article deals with basic methodological approaches to design and organization of information-management systems (IMS) for environmental protection on enterprises of oil and gas industry. On the basis of management actions’ analysis the most appropriate design and technical options of IMS implementation were developed by the authors. These solutions are necessary for decision making support and computerizing of environmental reporting.(RUS pdf, 599КБ)

tep_11_2012.png TopEnergoProm (September-October 2012)


“ZAO “SPF ”DIEM” performs environmental consulting during development and proceeding of preliminary permissions, and provides support during environmental expertises on regional and federal level. Consulting services are being provided for strategic projects and programs of development of shelf oil and gas fields: Shtokman and Kirinskoye gas condensate fields, Kamennomysskoe and North-Kamennomysskoe gas fields, West-Rakushechnoe oil field, etc."(RUS pdf, 1,8МБ)


Oil. Gas. Innovations(№10/2012)

G.A. Yarygin, V.I. Ravikovich, M.V. Bayukin, K.K. Necheukhin

Comprehensive Methodic Approach Towards the Construction of Vertically Integrated Informational Systems to Monitor the Environment Protection

The authors present the results of system studies in environment control processes for territorially distributed object of oil and gas industry. They also consider the method approaches, proposes the design and technical solutions to arrange vertically integrated information systems that provide for the ecological supervision in the production activities of the oil and gas objects.(RUS pdf, 599КБ)


Environmental protection in Oil & Gas sector (# 9/2012)

S.Konyaev, I. Philimonov, O.Gopa, G. Viltchek, T. Severyukhina, G. Yarygin



Business&Class (September, October, 2012)

Protecting environmental safety

"There are only a few months left to the full strength start of Gryazovetsk – Vyborg pipeline, transporting gas to European transit “Nord Stream”. Works implementation is controlled by foreign investors. Fulfillment of World bank and International Financial Corporation (IFC) requirements is strictly checked. Two years ago OOO “Gazprom Invest Zapad” started solving a problem of bringing the pipeline project in compliance with international environmental standards, and developing Regulations for environmental and social activities during construction of a key object – compressor station “Portovaya”. ZAO “NPF “DIEM” as a contractor realized the full scope of these works" (RUS pdf, 271KB)



TechNadzor (october, 2012)

Information technologies in land use

"During more than 20 years ZAO “SPF “DIEM” is working in the area of environmental engineering and consulting for Oil & Gas sphere. Rapid growth of oil and gas industry and development of northern regions fields’ require solving new environmental safety tasks and implementing new IT technologies for energy companies’ environmental activities" (RUS, pdf, 112КБ)


Business Russia: industry, transport, social life (#8, 2012)

Nature conservation on the highest professional level

"Solving environmental problems tends to be one of the most important social issues for both individuals and large industrial enterprises. For over 20 years ZAO “NPF “DIEM” is successfully working in environmental engineering and consulting, gaining year upon year essential experience and professionalism" (RUS pdf, 664КB)


Business & Class (June-July, 2012)

Scientific and production firm “DIEM”:
Focus on safety

"Problems of securing safety of pipelines in the areas of high seismic activity are getting now more challenging due to increase of seismic processes quantity and catastrophic consequences”. (RUS pdf, 206КB)


Bashkirsky environmental newsletter №1, 2012




Energy strategy (May, 2012)

Oil contaminated lands reclamation in northern territories: clever approach, effective decisions

“ZAO “SPF “DIEM” specialists developed innovative technologies of land reclamation, waste processing, water bodies decontamination and took part in development of legal documents on assessment of soil quality after reclamation” (pdf, RUS, 1.5 Mb)

 tsr5_2012.png TME № 5 (64) May, 2012

ZAO “SPF “DIEM”: environmental design for fuel and energy complex enterprises

“… In 2010 ZAO “SPF “DIEM” as a contractor of OOO “Gazprom Oil and Shelf” conducted a number of environmental researches on Severo-Kolpakovsky field on the stage follow-up exploration and preparation to development…”  (pdf, 130КБ, RUS)

tsr_012012.png TME № 1 (60) January, 2012

ZAO SPF "DIEM": The priority — clean air

"...together with the use of modern equipment to prevent the leakage of sulphur-containing components in 1996, for the first time in Gazprom was introduced at the AGCF automated system of Industrial Environmental Monitoring (IEM), air and gas warning system. The works were executed by SPF "DIEM" specialists together with OOO Gazprom Astrakhan. Project was awarded the Industrustrial Awards of OAO Gazprom (1998) and the Prize of Russian Federation Government (2000)”." (pdf, 180КБ, RUS)

 e_s_1212011.png Energy strategy (January, 2012)

Critical issues of construction and industrial waste management on oil and gas and chemical facilities of Eastern Siberia

"...specialists of ZAO "Scientific and Production Firm «DIEM»” have developed project documentation for building new waste management facilities, based on the industry’s peculiarities. (pdf, 1,2MБ, RUS)

 dr_082011.png Business Russia: industry, transport, social life | № 8 | 2011

Effective solutions in field of environmental safety

"At present stage of economical development one of the primary problems is saving the environmental balance while implementing large-scale industrial projects. Minimizing the damage caused by oil and gas production, transportation, storage and processing is now one of the major goals of DIEM specialists…(pdf, 520КБ, RUS)

 msi05_11.jpg MurmanshelfInfo, December (2011 № 5 (18))

Complex approach to waste management during Stockman GCF development

"Oil and Gas industry nowadays is one of the industries of the highest environmental impact. To increase hydrocarbon production, new fields at Key North territories (including Arctic shelf) are developed. The absence of any facilities and infrastructure within the territories makes the mitigation measures development one of the basic issues of project realization. Effective waste management solutions development is truly important for environmental safety on all project stages…(pdf, 5MБ, RUS)



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Achievements and awards

Russian Federation Government Prize in Science in Technology, 2000
Russian Federation Government Prize in Science in Technology, 2000
© SPF "DIEM", 2025
Our address:84/32, Profsouznaya str, Moscow, Russia 
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